Ghost - Destiny

Ghost - Destiny

A more fleshed-out animation of the player's Ghost in the game Destiny. Initially started as a straight walk cycle. Made with Joysticks & Sliders and a bunch of other QoL plugins in After Effects.

Really pushed my luck with this amount of detail trying to do fake 3D and seeing what the limitations of a joystick rig on such a mechanically dense character were. That said, I’m pretty happy with what the final result came out as.

A more fleshed-out animation of the player's Ghost in the game Destiny. Initially started as a straight walk cycle. Made with Joysticks & Sliders and a bunch of other QoL plugins in After Effects.

Really pushed my luck with this amount of detail trying to do fake 3D and seeing what the limitations of a joystick rig on such a mechanically dense character were. That said, I’m pretty happy with what the final result came out as.

Ghost - Strolling Loop

Ghost - Strolling Loop

A looping "walk" cycle of our guardian's Ghost that started as a small assignment for an animation course and exploded into this complex character that really has nothing to do with the original assignment anymore.

A looping "walk" cycle of our guardian's Ghost that started as a small assignment for an animation course and exploded into this complex character that really has nothing to do with the original assignment anymore.

©2024 Alessandro Bricoli

©2024 Alessandro Bricoli